Quality Management


ISO 22000:2018


Analysis for flour begins with hamidity and ash assigns and with daily update this assign helding constant.



Laboratory is a guide for the suitable raw material and product . The wheat as a raw material is bringing from different places of Turkey and world and after testing in laboratory taken the barn. Sufficiency of wheat is examined firstly physical and the chemical point of view. Physical assigns of wheat are color, shape and hectoliter assigns. After those detections passes to chemical analysis. Wheat becomes flour and bran mixture at laboratory mill. With aid of fine sieve flour is saperated from bran.Then takes experiment on obtained wheat and flour for detect its bread property. Those experiment are gluten assign, gluten index sedimentation assign and delayed sedimentation assign. After those experiments if reguired result obtains wheat taking to the barn. To make decision for bread property of obtaining products from wheat grinding require exact working.
Analysis for flour begins with hamidity and ash assigns and with daily update this assign helding constant. Another analysises are wet gluten assign, sedimentation assign and delayed sedimentation assign. The true result for flour is updating with daily bread made.


Firmamız kalite ve gıda güvenliğine verdiği önemle gerekli çalışmaları 2006 yılında tamamlamış ve ISO 22000:2018 Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sertifikasını almıştır.
